Mar 13, 2019

It seems today that I am dealing regularly with people who tell me “We found someone half your price and he/she promises to draw everyone!” and I am at a loss to explain why they should not book them. I do not make rash promises to draw everyone, only to entertain everyone, but I do guarantee top quality artwork which will amaze your guests and leave them in awe – instead of aghast!
I have 27 years experience, thats over 1200 weddings attended and every one of them was overwhelmed at my quality, just read my testimonials on Facebook, they speak for me.
Quite simply you may find cheaper caricature artists than me to hire for your wedding, but that’s because I am good, at the top of my class in fact and never let you down. Buy cheap and expect disappointment!
*The price above is my starting fee for two hours entertainment, the other is a competitors’ equivalent fee.
Other useful caricature resources: Caricaturist Directory – Digital Caricatures – Spot On Caricatures
Jul 9, 2018
Just a reminder that I’m not a children’s entertainer and have little patience for toddlers, so please don’t assume I will be working in your Creche. Children have very little patience for caricatures and often end up in tears, so please don’t force them upon me. I am an adult entertainer, expert in making grown ups burst into laughter and creating a buzz. Children do not create a buzz, they kill it.
27 years experience has shown me that children make bad subjects, as they have no features, no patience and few manners, so a long queue of rowdy children invading my space can totally kill any joy I bring to your event. Therefore I always insist on drawing children later in the event, rather than first.
I write this after having been threatened at a recent wedding, by a burly father whose son was in tears when I ran out of time to draw him, while concentrating instead on the other 70 grown up guests. So instead of laughter and cheer, I left with threats and tears in my head and was late arriving at my next booking.
Please remind your guests. It is my job to entertain adults, not look after children.
Jan 31, 2018

When shopping around for the biggest day of your life, remember that not all artists are the same, not all are professional, not all are reliable and a clear indication of quality is their fee. I am a full time professional entertainer, that’s why I cost more – because I am established and I do this for a living! So don’t cut corners for your wedding by hiring a hobbyist or an amateur, don’t hire the cheapest, hire the best!

Oct 19, 2017
When considering your tasty canapes, perhaps consider their odour too? Remember that most fishy canapes (smoked salmon, mackerel pate etc) will leave an un-pleasant fishy smell and in an enclosed room this can be over powering! No-one enjoys feeling nauseous at a wedding reception, so maybe think twice?

On the subject of odours at weddings; considering a barbecue for your guests? Everyone loves a barbecue, right? Most of your guests will have spent a small fortune on their wedding outfits and to ruin them with smoke and fish odours is unthinkable. I attend 2 – 3 weddings each week and after every barbecue I have to fumigate and spend a fortune on dry cleaning too. So think of the whiff before planning stinky entrees or barbecues… Just a thought 😉
Mar 12, 2016
This is a tale of the couple who said “Must we hire a caricaturist?” when they should’ve said “We must hire a caricaturist!”
Recently I attended a wedding, where the parents had hired my services and the happy couple simply said “Must we…?” which meant that they did not follow my simple suggestions or prepare in any way for my performance. The evening kicked off with speeches starting late, despite keeping the guests waiting for 30 minutes after their meal, which is not great etiquette. This in turn made me 30 minutes late.
- I was not greeted, by my client, Bride & Groom or any staff member and so left waiting without cue, feeling unwelcome.
- I was un-anounced and un-expected, so people ignored me and even avoided me as I wandered in.
- I was not paid on arrival and so had to search for my fee later in the already late evening.
- I started at the head table to find my first (important) subjects, but had no guidance and had to pick on a random guest, as the table dispersed.
- I was working in the main ballroom, with the Disco, which was noisy with bad lighting, so banter was not an option.
- I was forced into a corner near the bar, where I was monopolised by one table for upto an hour, producing their family portraits, due to it being the only lit area.
- The Bride & Groom avoided me until 10 minutes before I finished my stint, when they sat for their drawing, only to find all the lights went out for the Disco.
- There were 100 day guests, plus evening extras and so I had to turn away at least 60+ people who I didn’t have time to draw. Two hours is not enought to keep 100 guests happy.
I did my best as a professional entertainer, I do love entertaining and making new friends, but as the evening descended into darkness, I went largely un-noticed until I finished my stint and had to leave, with a feeling of under-performing, due to circumstances. If only they had followed my simple tips which I give every Bride & Groom upon booking;
- Please greet me and help me become acquainted with the venue and guests.
- Tell everyone I am coming; it will generate excitement and a buzz of anticipation!
- Please pay me on arrival, so we don’t play ‘hunt the wallet’ when everyone is drunk or absent later.
- Offer guidance as to who I am to draw, so not to miss the important people.
- Disco are dark and noisy so unsuitable for me to draw close-up caricatures in.
- Please find a well lit area for me to perform or instruct the venue to keep lights on until I am finished.
- Bride & Groom, step up as soon as possible so you don’t miss out (drawings done after the event are chargeable).
- I recommend that Weddings with 70+ guests should always choose a 3 or 4 hour package, to make sure I maximise the numbers drawn.
Follow these steps and I can develop a rapport with your guests and maximise their entertainment value, helping make me one of the most memorable investments on your big day! Just say “We MUST hire a caricaturist… The Wedding Artist!”